Spring Soiree

The premier North Fulton business event of the year featuring entertainment and the “Taste of North…

North Fulton Focus Series

The North Fulton Focus Series features distinguished keynote speakers with timely topics about…

BOLD - Businesswomen Organizing for Leadership and Development

Bringing together professional women in the community, and offering opportunities that help build…

Annual Golf Classic

Always a sell-out and held at one of the many prestigious golf courses in North Fulton.

ProAlliance Meeting

This dynamic leads-generation group meets virtually every Wednesday at 7:30am. Join us for real…

Business After Hours

The GNFCC Business After Hours events are fun, informal networking events hosted by GNFCC members at…

Small Business Success Series

The Seminar Series that answers questions keeping you up at night, so you can focus on business…

Leadership Programs

Leadership North Fulton is the region’s signature leadership development program promoting community…